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  • Old Gerard Arms Hotel
  • Old Gerard Arms Hotel
  • Old Gerard Arms Hotel
  • Old Gerard Arms Hotel
Grade U

Old Gerard Arms Hotel

30 - 34 Gerard Street, Ashton

Listed Date: 00/00/0000
Part of Group:
At Risk: No


Built 1895 for Oldfield Brewery Co.

A possible reference to an earlier Gerard Arms occurs in Nicholas Blundell's “Great Diurnall” (text at - 27 May 1721:-

My Wife and I called at the Signe of Sir William Gerards Crest in Ashton, thence to Gravock [Grave Oak Farm, Hopecar, nr Leigh] where we Lodged”

The stables at the Gerard's Arms” are mentioned in connection with the impounding of cattle in a report of an Ashton Local Board meeting in April 1876. 

There was a nightclub -Club Mallorca, later The Manhattan- on the first floor in 1970s.  The “superstore” -B&M- has relocated within the town, the former Gerard Arms now being split at both ground and first-floor levels into small retail units and eateries. 

Text and  images by the Makerfield Rambler

See Also

621, Wigan Road

621, Wigan Road

HE Ref: n/a
Park Lane Farm